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The Hasseltornet Vingslag in solid laminated timber is a stylish creation that comes in a number of designs. Choose from a variety of options when it comes to terrace areas and floor plans. In terms of size, Vingslag is suitable as a holiday home or for those who run a campsite.

Hasseltornet Vingslag is for those who value quality, atmosphere, low climate footprint but also the opportunity to earn income.

Contact us and we will tell you more about our timeless and classic model Hasseltornet “Vingslag” with its various options and content

*Model can easily be adjusted in length, height, roof angle and floor plan*

Amount of bedrooms
Living area
55 m2
13 m2

Floor plan suggestion

Vingslag - Main floor
Vingslag - Main floor
Technical specification
  • Amount of rooms 3
  • Living area 55 m2
  • Roof angle 21,8°
  • Building height 3,5 m

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