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What insulation value do your windows have?

Answer. In standard delivery we supply window of 1.2 U-value but we can supply lower U-value at an extra cost if needed.

Delivery content

Is it possible to get the house pre-painted?

Answer. No, sorry to say, due to production reasons. The house has to be painted at the building site.

Can we add a basement to your models?

Answer. Basements can easily be added to all of our models.

Can we schoose by our self a kitchen brand?

Answer. Yes, we do our best to get you the kitchen brand you wish to have.

Can we use a different bathroom brand than Hafa?

Answer. We have several bathroom suppliers, such as Dansani, Björbo, Noro and Miller. If none of these fit your needs, just let us know and we will do our best to get the brand you want.

Can we get a floor-heating system in your houses?

Answer. Yes.

What personal customizations are possible with your houses?

Answer. You can change the design from classic to modern style, resize the house to your needs, move around windows and doors, choose all of the surface materials, such as tile, paint, etc., and you can choose all interior appliances and decorations, such as the kitchen stove, etc.

If we buy a house from you, can you also supply a garage?

Answer. Yes.

What's included in your house package?

Answer. It depends on what you need. We can supply you with anything from only the bearing construction to a complete house package.

If we order a house from you can we exclude windows and doors from your package?

Answer. Yes.

Do we need to have logs or log panels all over the house?

Answer. If you choose, for example, a massive 200-mm log external wall, you can still add 45 mm stud inside and put plaster or another surface material. The same with interior walls.

Can we add steel or Leca pipe to our house?

Answer. Yes.

Is it possible to get the house in other materials, such as concrete?

Answer. Yes, it is possible.

Is it possible to get glass railings?

Answer. Yes, or any other materials—even elevated railing (citilä).

Can we choose heat-treated floorboards for our terrace or elsewhere?

Answer. Yes.

Can we choose the interior design and decoration?

Answer. Yes, of course, but some luxury options may affect the price.

Can we choose another roofing material?

Answer. Yes, you can, but has to be adapted to the roof conditions and local rules.

Can we choose the tile?

Answer. Yes, you can.

Health & Environment

Can we get the house as a complete EKO house.

Answer. Depending on how you define EKO, we can supply you with that.

We have children with allergies, and we have heard that that your houses offer a good interior atmosphere for children. Is this true?

Answer. Yes, timber walls are not only elegant, good for health, and for helping the house “breathe," they also have the ability to bind harmful particles in indoor air, such as dust and mold. Timber breathability also keeps the humidity at an optimal level, between 30-55%, and the material is 100% organic, which is why the houses are especially suitable for those with allergies and asthma. Read more under "Healhty Living ."

We have heard that your houses are more healthy than traditional houses. Why?

Answer. Wood in general has many health advantages. Wood is a safe and familiar material to humans. The appearance, smell and touch of wooden surfaces creates a unique and inimitable atmosphere. But it is not only the atmosphere that counts. Wood improves the quality of indoor air, which has been shown in many studies to increase the comfort of living. And Hasseltornet is no exception from that. Read more under "Environment and health."

House alternations

You have a lot of nice standard models, but can you change the size of them, for example in length or depth?

Answer. Yes. It is no problem to change the size. You can even change the height or the roof angle.

Can I move around the window and door positions on your standard models?

Answer. Yes, with no problems and no extra cost.

Are the floor plans changeable?

Answer. Yes. There are rarely any bearing walls in our models, so it’s easy to change the floor plans to your liking.

Could you mirror the house (flip the layout)?

Answer. Yes, and it will have no effect on the price.

Can you change the roof angle?

Answer. Yes, there is no problem with changing the roof angle. But in some cases it can have the effect of narrowing down the selection of roofing material.

Can I add height to your standard models?

Answer. Yes, you can change height of every floor if you want.

Is it possible to move around or add/reduce interior walls?

Answer. Yes. You are free to adjust all interior walls in both length and height.

Can you add or exclude a loft to your houses?

Answer. Normally you can add or exclude a loft, but it does sometimes depend on the model. Just get in touch and we’ll let you know.

Is it possible to get the stairs in different color or material?

Answer. Yes, no problem.

We have a plot where we plan to set up a timber house, but local regulations say that we need to have a sedum or grass roof. Is that possible with your houses?

Answer. We can adapt the construction to fit both snow load and heavy roofing material, so no worries.

What is the extra cost to redesign your houses?

Answer. Minor changes are free of charge, but the options may change the cost of the package. If you need a major change in design, our architects can give you a quote.

If we have our own drawings, can you still give us a price and deliver that house?

Answer. Yes.

If we have put the house into production, can we still make some adjustments?

Answer. Yes, it is possible if it's in a reasonable time. But there may be extra COSTs.

Can we add or reduce the number of bedrooms?

Answer. Yes, no problem.

Can we choose our own plans with your models?

Answer. Yes, you can.

Can we adjust the building height?

Answer. Yes.

Can we choose the interior design and decoration?

Answer. Yes, of course, but some luxury options may affect the price.

Can we choose another roofing material?

Answer. Yes, you can, but has to be adapted to the roof conditions and local rules.

Can we choose the tile?

Answer. Yes, you can.

Do you also supply lightning?

Answer. Yes, we can supply that. But we do recommend a conversation with your electrician.

Other questions

Can we build your houses by ourselves?

Answer. Yes, if you follow the assembly instructions. When it comes to electric, plumbing and wet rooms, you will need to hire certified professionals.

Can you supply the house weatherproof and then we install the rest ourselves?

Answer. Yes, we can supply you with professionals to do it.

Can we get the house key ready?

Answer. Yes, we can arrange for that.

Do you supply foundation for your houses?

Answer. Our certified partner can supply you with a foundation and in some cases even do the groundwork.

Can you help us with complete setup for the house?

Answer. Yes

If we decide to set up the house by ourselves, do you offer support?

Answer. Yes, we do support you.

Do we get foundation drawings from you?

Answer. Foundation drawings come from us, with measure and loads. The construction will be done by the contractors you hire for that, depending on the plot and layout.

What kind of instructions come with your houses?

Answer. We supply you with a map, including packing list, drawings, assembling instructions, construction drawings, roof and foundation drawings, together with load and maintenance instructions.

What is the price difference between your house and a standard stud-construction house?

Answer. It always depends, but generally we are a little higher-end.

What would you say is the advantage to buying your houses?

Answer. There are a lot of answers to that question. Some people see our houses as very healthy and ecological, others see it as an investment, and some just love our designs and architecture. Some others love them because they are earthquake proof. Some like them because of all of these things.

What kind of documentation do you supply?

Answer. We supply you with a map including packing list, drawings, assembling instructions, construction drawings, roof and foundation drawings, together with loads, and also maintenance instructions.

Do you supply energy calculations?

Answer. We cannot supply that kind of service, due to regulations. But we can recommend you to some certified people who do these energy calculations.

Are your construction partners certified? And what responsibility do you take if there are problems?

Answer. We have several constructors as partners and most of them are certified by us. But we cannot take any responsibility for their work as professionals. This is because they run their own company, and can change their staff and strategy. What we try to secure is to ensure that they know how to construct our houses, both in theory and in practice. But of course we will do our best to help if any situation pops up, and if there are ever any major problems we do not work with them again.

Do you supply planning service for the plot?

Answer. Yes, we have several skilled people to help you with this.

What are the important steps for buying a house?

Answer. Big question. But here’s a rough list to start. The most important thing is know your budget and then spread it out over all the various building costs: plot, groundwork, documentation and permit cost, architect, project manager, etc. Second, find a plot and then get house quotes from at least three suppliers.

Can your architect help us design our house?

Answer. Yes.

Do you help with building permitting?

Answer. Yes, we can.

Is it possible to get each package in a certain maximum weight to manage transport by snowmobile, boat, etc.?

Answer. Yes, we do support regulated weight for each package if needed.

Can we get the delivery to another country?

Answer. Yes, no problem.

Do your houses do well in a coastal climate?

Answer. Yes.

Could you please run through the process of both delivery and payment?

Answer. Depending on Domestic in Sweden or Export. If Export, then all payment is without VAT. The first payment of 25 000 SEK is made when you place the order. Once that is registered, we start planning the facade and other sections. This takes 2-3 weeks. These drawings can be change free of charge and are used to get permitting. If everything is OK, you sign the drawings and make a second payment of 40 %. When that is registered, production starts. We make foundation drawings with measures and loads, which are ready in 1-3 weeks, depending on season. Thereafter, we start to make all the calculations, construction and detail drawings, and you hand over instructions for premade electric holes. You also start choosing all of your interior selections, as well as kitchen/bathroom/surface materials or other options you would like to add to your delivery. During this time you can still make some changes to the construction, such as interior walls or doors/windows, though that would come with a cost. After your second payment, the house will be delivered in 8-10 weeks, or later if you request. Final payment: Domestic is 2 weeks after delivery and if Export 4 weeks before delivery.

Do you supply help with financing?

Answer. We don’t have that service yet but we are working on it.

What is you delivery time?

Answer. Normal delivery time is 13 weeks, but in some cases we can manage shorter delivery times.

Can you estimate time to get your houses weatherproofed?

Answer. That takes 2 to 4 weeks depending of model

Can we get the house delivered to an island?

Answer. Yes, no problem.

From the time we place the order, when can we expect to move in to our house?

Answer. This is tricky to answer, because all projects has their owns challenges, such as plot accessibility and condition, start dates, weather conditions, permitting and so on. But with reasonable conditions you can expect 6-12 months, depending on size and model.

Do you help with permit documentation?

Answer. Yes, we have several people to support you with that.

Are your houses built to withstand earthquakes?

Answer. Yes, they are.

Do your houses manage a dry climate?

Answer. Yes, they do.

Can you supply kindergarten or school buildings?

Answer. Yes we can. Get in touch to set up a meeting so we can discuss more about your project.

We would like to have a duplex house. Is that something you can supply?

Answer. Duplex houses are very popular now and we have delivered several. Many of our standard models can easily be change to a duplex house or even a four-family house. Get in touch so we can tell you more of what we can offer.

Do you supply buildings for apartment houses?

Answer. Yes, we can supply apartment houses. Get in touch so we can listen to your ideas and plans.

Do you supply buildings for hotels?

Answer. Yes, we do. Get in touch and we can set up a meeting to listen to your ideas and plans. We can also arrange for you to visit one of our hotel projects.

Do you work with other architects?

Answer. Cooperation with other architects is routine today for us. Just introduce us to your architect and we will find a excellent way to work with him or her.

Do you participate in all meetings in bigger project, such as hotels, etc.?

Answer. We are normally deeply involved in the management of bigger projects, and do participate in all meetings.

Can you lead and manage larger projects?

Answer. Yes, we do have experience in managing bigger projects. Just get in touch to set up a meeting and tell us your plans and ideas.

We have plans to set up an café. Is that something you can offer?

Answer. Yes, we can offer exciting and interesting solutions for both cafés and restaurants. Get in touch to start a discussion.

Price & delivery terms

Do you supply help with financing?

Answer. We don’t have that service yet but we are working on it.

What is you delivery time?

Answer. Normal delivery time is 13 weeks, but in some cases we can manage shorter delivery times.

Can we get the house delivered to an island?

Answer. Yes, no problem.

Technical questions

How do your houses manage today's energy rules ?

Answer. They manage very well. You can choose from 200-mm thickness and up, or choose a thinner log paired with extra insulation.

How do your houses protect from fire?

Answer. A massive timber house handles fire better than a traditional house. Residential log houses have a standard of minimum200 mm thickness,  which manages to level EI90, which is very high. A standard regulation is EI30 or EI60.

We have a steeply sloping plot. Can we still adapt your houses to our plot, or add a basement?

Answer. Yes, all of our house models are adaptable to steep plots, and it is no problem to add a basement.

What insulation value do your houses have?

Answer. Our houses all meet today’s energy regulations with no problem.

Can we get the house as a “smart house”?

Answer. Yes, we can add that as an option to your house package.

Some friends said that we need to have all electrics visible in a timber house, but we would prefer to have it hidden. Is that possible?

Answer. We have an excellent solution for this, using drill holes in production. So there can be no visible electrics if you prefer that.

What kind of ventilation do you recommend?

Answer. There are many choices, and you need to discuss this with your energy assessment firm to find the best solution for your house.

What kind of heating system do you recommend for your houses?

Answer. There are many choices, and you need to discuss this with your energy assessment firm to find the best solution for your house.

What foundation do you recommend?

Answer. All types of foundations work fine if you follow today's regulations. But it’s more a question of the plot condition and accessibility, as well as what you prefer to have. The price difference between the solutions is smaller than you Think.

Is it possible to have block or pillar as foundation to your house?

Answer. Both option work fine.

What kind of maintenance is needed for your houses?

Answer. This depends on the house. Just let us know the model and we’ll give you all the instructions.

In Sweden,you sometimes need to follow Attefalls rules when you set up your house. Are you familiar with these rules?

Answer. Some of the Attefall house rules is: ridge height limit of 4 m, max footprint area of the house is 30 sqm, 4,5 m to property line and there has to be a living or a summerhouse at the plot. The Attefall house can be used to many purpuse, ex. sauna, storage, living or guesthouse. If you plan to use the Attefall house as a living house you also have to follow the rules on accessibility and some other regulation. If you need more specific information of Attefall house rules just get in touch with us or click on the link "Attefall Houses" to read more

Do you supply a controller for the project?

Answer. I’m afraid we can’t supply that, due to regulations. But we can recommend some people who support that kind of service.

What kind of insulation do you use in your wall?

Answer. If you choose a thinner log wall together with some extra insulation, we can offer you both EKO fiber (cellulosa fiber) and standard glass insulation (Isover).The answer is the same with the interior walls.

What insulation value do your windows have?

Answer. In standard delivery we supply window of 1.2 U-value but we can supply lower U-value at an extra cost if needed.

Do you have any recommendations for paint or other treatments?

Answer. We supply slow-growing pine with high resin, so you can either just keep it as it is, or add some color, such as Faluröd, Järnvitrol, Lut, Bets or some acrylate. What you should avoid is pure oil, because of the high resin.

Can we be certain your house will be suited to our local snow loads?

Answer. Yes, we will ensure that.

Do you help with finding out about local permitting and regulations?

Answer. Yes, we do support you with that.