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Hasseltornets Koster is one of our new future series from D2 Architects. A modern series with cheeky and well-designed style.

Koster 1 offers a well-thought floor plan, open and airy with large panoramic windows and generous space.

Koster series is available with several options and solutions such as sliding doors, roof terrace, outdoor storage, etc..

Get in touch and we tell you more!

*The model can be easily adjusted in size, height and floor plan*

*The installation prices below are only indicative*

Building area
30 m²
Building height
3,1 m
Living area
25 m²


Slab montage
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The assembly includes complete assembly of a basic kit incl.;
Stomeworking with all supporting construction on finished ground. Complete roof with insulation and interior panel, Finishing inner walls with panel / gypsum, control, insulation, Complete assembly of windows / doors with feed, driving and listing. Floor tiles are not included in the basic installation but are included in the installation of floors if the service is chosen.
Log choice 134mm
Winter package
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The winter package includes the following;
Extra wall insulation in the outer wall 100mm with all necessary materials and internal timber panel / plaster. Roof insulation 400mm
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I montaget ingår allt arbete för färdigställande av det material som ingår i vinterpaketet.
Sauna package
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The sauna package includes the following:
Pine panel with heater and rule for walls and ceilings, sauna oil, 45mm insulation, lichen, glass sauna door and an EL sauna.
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Komplett montage av basturum inklusive aggregat. EL inkoppling ingår ej i tjänsten.
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The kitchen includes the following from Marbodal:
Appliances - Fridge / freezer, ceramic hob, built-in oven, fan
Cabinet varies according to model
Dish with mixer
Note, No pipes or fittings included
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Installation includes complete assembly of kitchen with prefabricated cabinets, excluding tile, electric and plumbing
Bathroom fittings
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The bathroom selection includes the Hafa series Eden:
1st Toilet Kioto
1st washbasin with cabinet & mixer
1st shower wall in glass plus ceiling shower with mixer
Note. No pipes or connections are included.
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The installation price includes complete assembly of cabinet fixtures with prefabricated cabinets, shower enclosures and toilet seat.
Installation does not apply to work under EL & plumbing as mixer connection of water and sewerage and lighting.
Application documents for building permit
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Vi hjälper till att fylla i dokumentation för ansökan om uppförande av en Attefallshus.
I tjänsten ingår inte att hantera arbete utöver en standard ansökan som ex. ta in tillstånd från grannar, dispens från strandregler mm.
Materials to slab incl. work
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The price includes work and materials such as:
Reinforcing, ground / edge insulation, edge beam, concrete (max 2500kr / m3) and machines for carrying out work.
Selecting floor heating includes heating hose.

Price includes not;
Basic work (such as excavation or blasting), as well as filling masses and refills.
Pricing requires a ready-made gravel bed.
Cast underfloor heating

Other foundation
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Med Val av plint eller krypgrund menas endast att ett komplett bjälklag ingår med 200mm isolering och 22mm golvspånskiva anpassat för plint eller krypgrund. Obs, Plintar eller ringmur ingår inte.

Choose an alternative foundation
No alternative foundation
Terminal foundation
Crawlable foundation
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The assembly price includes complete installation of floor tiles including 22mm flooring and fastening. Installation of floor tiles is not included.
Works and materials for Plinths are not included.

Other roof

Choose an alternative roof
No alternative roof
Tin roof (brick)
Concrete brick
"Click roof"

Amount of sides with roof drainage
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Roof drainage includes a drain pipe per side as standard and all other attachment.

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Pris per sida.

Size of porch (M2)
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The balcony includes floor tile floors, outer edge lining, trundle and beam shoe. Fixing screw and terminal block are not included.

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Komplett färdigställande av medföljnade altan inklusive infästning som skruv mm.

Amount of rm railing

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Complete assembly of rails including attachment.

Floor in dry areas
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Vid tillval av ytskikt på golv så ingår för:
Trägolv - Baseco Trend furugolv 14x113 i valfri färg
Klinker - klinker á 300kr/m2 med fog, silikon, fästmassa och tätskikt
Matta - Tarkett á 300kr/m2 med lim

Choose floor in dry spaces
No alternative foundation
Wooden floor
Tiled floor
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Complete installation of flooring with floor tiles including fastening.


489000 SEK

  • Building area 30 m²
  • Living area 25 m²
  • Building height 3,1m
  • Kitchen 1
  • Bathroom 1
  • Bedroom 1

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